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Definitions of surmounted
  1. having something on top
    "columns surmounted by statues"
Definition that contains surmounted
  • obstacle something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted
  • obstacle an obstruction that stands in the way (and must be removed or surmounted or circumvented)
  • obstruction something immaterial that stands in the way and must be circumvented or surmounted
  • insurmountable not capable of being surmounted or overcome
  • surmountable capable of being surmounted
  • surmountable capable of being surmounted or overcome
  • unconquerable incapable of being surmounted or excelled
  • insuperable incapable of being surmounted or excelled
  • climbable capable of being surmounted
  • crozier a staff surmounted by a crook or cross carried by bishops as a symbol of pastoral office
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