nounratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle
type of: -
nouna straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point but does not intersect it at that pointtype of:
Definition that contains tangent
- envelope a curve that is tangent to each of a family of curves
- minimum the point on a curve where the tangent changes from negative on the left to positive on the right
- maximum the point on a curve where the tangent changes from positive on the left to negative on the right
- curvature the rate of change (at a point) of the angle between a curve and a tangent to the curve
- osculation (mathematics) a contact of two curves (or two surfaces) at which they have a common tangent
- tangential of or relating to or acting along or in the direction of a tangent
- asymptote a straight line that is the limiting value of a curve; can be considered as tangent at infinity
- tangency the state of being tangent; having contact at a single point or along a line without crossing
- arc cotangent the inverse function of the cotangent; the angle that has a cotangent equal to a given number
- arc tangent the inverse function of the tangent; the angle that has a tangent equal to a given number