nounammunition whose flight can be observed by a trail of smoke
type of: -
nounan instrument used to make tracingstype of:
nounan investigator who is employed to find missing persons or missing goodstype of:
noun(radiology) any radioactive isotope introduced into the body to study metabolism or other biological processestype of:
Definition that contains tracer
- carrier an inactive substance that is a vehicle for a radioactive tracer of the same substance and that assists in its recovery after some chemical reaction
- rosette circular window filled with tracery
- vermicular decorated with wormlike tracery or markings
- iodine-125 light radioactive isotope of iodine with a half-life of 60 days; used as a tracer in thyroid studies and as a treatment for hyperthyroidism
- vermiculated decorated with wormlike tracery or markings
- lancet window a narrow window having a lancet arch and without tracery
- vermiculate decorated with wormlike tracery or markings
- rose window circular window filled with tracery
- fan tracery the carved tracery on fan vaulting