Definition that contains tree trunk
- creeper any of various small insectivorous birds of the northern hemisphere that climb up a tree trunk supporting themselves on stiff tail feathers and their feet
- lichen any thallophytic plant of the division Lichenes; occur as crusty patches or bushy growths on tree trunks or rocks or bare ground etc.
- bracket fungus a woody fungus that forms shelflike sporophores on tree trunks and wood structures
- black moss dense festoons of greenish-grey hairlike flexuous strands anchored to tree trunks and branches by sparse wiry roots; southeastern United States and West Indies to South America
- dendrocalamus giganteus immense tropical southeast Asian bamboo with tough hollow culms that resemble tree trunks
- giant bamboo immense tropical southeast Asian bamboo with tough hollow culms that resemble tree trunks
- gray polypody fern growing on rocks or tree trunks and having fronds greyish and scurfy below; Americas and South Africa
- grey polypody fern growing on rocks or tree trunks and having fronds greyish and scurfy below; Americas and South Africa
- giant bamboo immense tropical southeast Asian bamboo with tough hollow culms that resemble tree trunks
- gray polypody fern growing on rocks or tree trunks and having fronds greyish and scurfy below; Americas and South Africa