verbget high, stoned, or drugged
verbput in motion or move to act
verbmiss a step and fall or nearly fall
type of: -
verbcause to stumble
nouna catch mechanism that acts as a switch
nounan accidental misstep threatening (or causing) a fall
type of: -
nounan exciting or stimulating experience
type of: -
verbmake a trip for pleasure
nounan unintentional but embarrassing blunder
nouna hallucinatory experience induced by drugstype of:
nouna journey for some purpose (usually including the return)type of:
nouna light or nimble treadtype of:
Definition that contains trip
- atlantic tripletail tripletail found from Cape Cod to northern South America
- lobotes surinamensis tripletail found from Cape Cod to northern South America
- lobotes pacificus tripletail found in the Pacific
- pacific tripletail tripletail found in the Pacific
- family lobotidae tripletails
- lobotidae tripletails