nounsurface layer of ground containing a mat of grass and grass roots
verbcover (the ground) with a surface layer of grass or grass rootstype of:
nounrange of jurisdiction or influencetype of:
nounthe territory claimed by a juvenile gang as its owntype of:
Definition that contains turf
- divot a piece of turf dug out of a lawn or fairway (by an animals hooves or a golf club)
- divot (golf) the cavity left when a piece of turf is cut from the ground by the club head in making a stroke
- groundcover low-growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to grow
- lolium multiflorum European grass much used for hay and in United States also for turf and green manure
- italian rye European grass much used for hay and in United States also for turf and green manure
- genus liriope sometimes placed in family Convallariaceae: lilyturf
- italian ryegrass European grass much used for hay and in United States also for turf and green manure
- bowling green a field of closely mowed turf for playing bowls
- ground cover low-growing plants planted in deep shade or on a steep slope where turf is difficult to grow
- liriope sometimes placed in family Convallariaceae: lilyturf