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Definitions of vase
  1. noun
    an open jar of glass or porcelain used as an ornament or to hold flowers
    type of:
Definition that contains vase
  • urn a large vase that usually has a pedestal or feet
  • spitter an illegal pitch in which a foreign substance (spit or Vaseline) is applied to the ball by the pitcher before he throws it
  • spitball an illegal pitch in which a foreign substance (spit or Vaseline) is applied to the ball by the pitcher before he throws it
  • vase-shaped shaped in the form of a vase
  • activase a thrombolytic agent (trade name Activase) that causes fibrinolysis at the site of a blood clot; used in treating acute myocardial infarction
  • potter wasp any of various solitary wasps that construct vase-shaped cells of mud for their eggs
  • tissue plasminogen activator a thrombolytic agent (trade name Activase) that causes fibrinolysis at the site of a blood clot; used in treating acute myocardial infarction
  • vasovasostomy a surgical procedure that attempts to restore the function of the vas deferens after a vasectomy
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