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Definitions of veto
  1. verb
    command against
    "Mother vetoed the trip to the chocolate store"
    type of:
  2. verb
    vote against; refuse to endorse; refuse to assent
    "The President vetoed the bill"


  3. noun
    a vote that blocks a decision
  4. noun
    the power or right to prohibit or reject a proposed or intended act (especially the power of a chief executive to reject a bill passed by the legislature)
    type of:
Definition that contains veto
  • anne Queen of England and Scotland and Ireland; daughter if James II and the last of the Stuart monarchs; in 1707 she was the last English ruler to exercise the royal veto over parliament (1665-1714)
  • barring the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto
  • blackball the act of excluding someone by a negative vote or veto
  • joint resolution a resolution passed by both houses of Congress which becomes legally binding when signed by the Chief Executive (or passed over the Chief Executive's veto)
  • pocket veto indirect veto of legislation by refusing to sign it
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