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Definitions of water vapor
Definition that contains water vapor
  • fog droplets of water vapor suspended in the air near the ground
  • dew water that has condensed on a cool surface overnight from water vapor in the air
  • humid containing or characterized by a great deal of water vapor
  • pore a minute epidermal pore in a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor can pass
  • transpire exude water vapor
  • contrail an artificial cloud created by an aircraft; caused either by condensation due to the reduction in air pressure above the wing surface or by water vapor in the engine exhaust
  • stoma a minute epidermal pore in a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor can pass
  • hydrosphere the watery layer of the earth's surface; includes water vapor
  • stomate a minute epidermal pore in a leaf or stem through which gases and water vapor can pass
  • condensation trail an artificial cloud created by an aircraft; caused either by condensation due to the reduction in air pressure above the wing surface or by water vapor in the engine exhaust
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