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Definitions of wonder
  1. noun
    something that causes feelings of wonder
    "the wonders of modern science"


  2. verb
    have a wish or desire to know something
    "He wondered who had built this beautiful church"


    type of:
  3. verb
    be amazed at


    type of:
  4. noun
    the feeling aroused by something strange and surprising


  5. noun
    a state in which you want to learn more about something


  6. verb
    place in doubt or express doubtful speculation
    "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do" "she wondered whether it would snow tonight"


Definition that contains wonder
  • dream someone or something wonderful
  • wonder something that causes feelings of wonder
  • amazing inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
  • surprised taken unawares or suddenly and feeling wonder or astonishment
  • awesome inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
  • awful inspired by a feeling of fearful wonderment or reverence
  • awful inspiring awe or admiration or wonder
  • miracle any amazing or wonderful occurrence
  • staring (used of eyes) open and fixed as if in fear or wonder
  • delighted filled with wonder and delight
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