Definition that contains wood rat
- western black-legged tick a tick that feeds on dusky-footed wood rat and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in western United States especially northern California
- dusky-footed wood rat a wood rat with dusky feet
- ixodes pacificus a tick that feeds on dusky-footed wood rat and bites humans; principal vector for Lyme disease in western United States especially northern California
- eastern woodrat large greyish-brown wood rat of the southeastern United States
- ixodes spinipalpis usually does not bite humans; transmits Lyme disease spirochete to cottontail rabbits and wood rats
- ixodes dentatus usually does not bite humans; transmits Lyme disease spirochete to cottontail rabbits and wood rats
- neotoma floridana large greyish-brown wood rat of the southeastern United States
- ixodes neotomae a tick that usually does not bite humans; transmits Lyme disease spirochete to dusky-footed wood rats