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Definitions of xylem
  1. noun
    the woody part of plants: the supporting and water-conducting tissue, consisting primarily of tracheids and vessels
Definition that contains xylem
  • cambium a formative one-cell layer of tissue between xylem and phloem in most vascular plants that is responsible for secondary growth
  • ligneous consisting of or containing lignin or xylem
  • tracheid long tubular cell peculiar to xylem
  • fibrovascular bundle a unit strand of the vascular system in stems and leaves of higher plants consisting essentially of xylem and phloem
  • vascular bundle a unit strand of the vascular system in stems and leaves of higher plants consisting essentially of xylem and phloem
  • vascular strand a unit strand of the vascular system in stems and leaves of higher plants consisting essentially of xylem and phloem
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