Parts of old testament
- "micheas"
- "nahum"
- "nehemiah"
- "numbers"
- "obadiah"
- "pentateuch"
- "proverbs"
- "psalm"
- "psalms"
- "ruth"
- "zephaniah"
- "1 kings"
- "1 samuel"
- "2 chronicles"
- "2 kings"
- "2 samuel"
- "abdias"
- "aggeus"
- "amos"
- "apocrypha"
- "book of amos"
- "book of daniel"
- "book of ecclesiastes"
- "book of esther"
- "book of exodus"
- "book of ezekiel"
- "book of ezra"
- "book of genesis"
- "book of habakkuk"
- "book of haggai"
- "book of hosea"
- "book of isaiah"
- "book of jeremiah"
- "book of job"
- "book of joel"
- "book of jonah"
- "book of joshua"
- "book of judges"
- "book of lamentations"
- "book of leviticus"
- "book of micah"
- "book of nahum"
- "book of nehemiah"
- "book of numbers"
- "book of obadiah"
- "book of proverbs"
- "book of psalms"
- "book of ruth"
- "book of the prophet daniel"
- "book of zachariah"
- "book of zephaniah"
- "canticle of canticles"
- "canticles"
- "daniel"
- "ecclesiastes"
- "esther"
- "exodus"
- "ezechiel"
- "ezekiel"
- "ezra"
- "genesis"
- "habacuc"
- "habakkuk"
- "haggai"
- "hosea"
- "i chronicles"
- "i kings"
- "i samuel"
- "ii chronicles"
- "ii kings"
- "ii samuel"
- "isaiah"
- "jeremiah"
- "job"
- "joel"
- "jonah"
- "joshua"
- "josue"
- "judges"
- "lamentations"
- "laws"
- "leviticus"
- "micah"
- "song of solomon"
- "song of songs"
- "sophonias"
- "torah"
- "zacharias"
- "zechariah"
- "1 chronicles"