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Definitions of das
  1. noun
    any of several small ungulate mammals of Africa and Asia with rodent-like incisors and feet with hooflike toes


Definition that contains das
  • splash dash a liquid upon or against
  • plunge dash violently or with great speed or impetuosity
  • spatter dash a liquid upon or against
  • splatter dash a liquid upon or against
  • plash dash a liquid upon or against
  • splosh dash a liquid upon or against
  • swash dash a liquid upon or against
  • family dasyurinae dasyures; native cats; pouched mice; banded anteaters; Tasmanian devils
  • dasyuridae dasyures; native cats; pouched mice; banded anteaters; Tasmanian devils
  • family dasyuridae dasyures; native cats; pouched mice; banded anteaters; Tasmanian devils
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