nouna shoe for swimming; the paddle-like front is an aid in swimming (especially underwater)
type of: -
nounthe flat broad limb of aquatic animals specialized for swimmingtype of:part of:
Definition that contains flipper
- turtle any of various aquatic and land reptiles having a bony shell and flipper-like limbs for swimming
- penguin short-legged flightless birds of cold southern especially Antarctic regions having webbed feet and wings modified as flippers
- limb one of the jointed appendages of an animal used for locomotion or grasping: arm; leg; wing; flipper
- humpback large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives
- forelimb the front limb (or the homologous structure in other animals, such as a flipper or wing)
- pinniped aquatic carnivorous mammal having a streamlined body specialized for swimming with limbs modified as flippers
- sea turtle any of various large turtles with limbs modified into flippers; widely distributed in warm seas
- sirenian any of two families of large herbivorous aquatic mammals with paddle-shaped tails and flipper-like forelimbs and no hind limbs
- hair seal any of several seals lacking external ear flaps and having a stiff hairlike coat with hind limbs reduced to swimming flippers
- megaptera novaeangliae large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives