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Definitions of hong
Definition that contains hong
  • thong a backless sandal held to the foot by a thong between the big toe and the second toe
  • cantonese the dialect of Chinese spoken in Canton and neighboring provinces and in Hong Kong and elsewhere outside China
  • quirt whip with a leather thong at the end
  • yue the dialect of Chinese spoken in Canton and neighboring provinces and in Hong Kong and elsewhere outside China
  • pusher a sandal attached to the foot by a thong over the toes
  • hakka a member of a people of southeastern China (especially Hong Kong, Canton, and Taiwan) who migrated from the north in the 12th century
  • hakka a member of a people of southeastern China (especially Hong Kong, Canton, and Taiwan) who migrated from the north in the 12th century
  • snowshoe a device to help you walk on deep snow; a lightweight frame shaped like a racquet is strengthened with cross pieces and contains a network of thongs; one is worn on each foot
  • knout a whip with a lash of leather thongs twisted with wire; used for flogging prisoners
  • tabi a sock with a separation for the big toe; worn with thong sandals by the Japanese
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