adjectiveof or relating to or supporting Islamism
nouna believer in or follower of Islam
type of:
Definition that contains moslem
- urdu the official literary language of Pakistan, closely related to Hindi; widely used in India (mostly by Moslems); written in Arabic script
- caliphate the era of Islam's ascendancy from the death of Mohammed until the 13th century; some Moslems still maintain that the Moslem world must always have a calif as head of the community
- tajik an ethnic group (mostly Moslem) living in Tajikistan and neighboring areas of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan and China
- rotl a unit of weight used in some Moslem countries near the Mediterranean; varies between one and five pounds
- tadzhik an ethnic group (mostly Moslem) living in Tajikistan and neighboring areas of Uzbekistan and Afghanistan and China
- ijtihad the endeavor of a Moslem scholar to derive a rule of divine law from the Koran and Hadith without relying on the views of other scholars; by the end of the 10th century theologians decided that debate on such matters would be closed and Muslim theology and law were frozen