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Definitions of natural language
Definition that contains natural language
  • syntax checker a program to check natural language syntax
  • logic programing a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processing
  • natural language processor an application program that deals with natural language text
  • computational linguist someone trained in computer science and linguistics who uses computers for natural language processing
  • unstratified language a programming language that (like natural language) can be used as its own metalanguage
  • logic programming a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processing
  • nlp the branch of information science that deals with natural language information
  • disambiguator (computer science) a natural language processing application that tries to determine the intended meaning of a word or phrase by examining the linguistic context in which it is used
  • natural language processing the branch of information science that deals with natural language information
  • prolog a computer language designed in Europe to support natural language processing
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