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Definitions of pyrola
  1. noun
    any of several evergreen perennials of the genus Pyrola


Definition that contains pyrola
  • wintergreen any of several evergreen perennials of the genus Pyrola
  • one-flowered pyrola delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola
  • pyrola any of several evergreen perennials of the genus Pyrola
  • genus moneses one species: one-flowered wintergreen; sometimes included in genus Pyrola
  • wintergreen family evergreen herbs of temperate regions: genera Pyrola, Chimaphila, Moneses, Orthilia
  • moneses uniflora delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola
  • ericales Ericaceae; Clethraceae; Diapensiaceae; Epacridaceae; Lennoaceae; Pyrolaceae; Monotropaceae
  • one-flowered wintergreen delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola
  • pyrola uniflora delicate evergreen dwarf herb of north temperate regions having a solitary white terminal flower; sometimes placed in genus Pyrola
  • genus monotropa leafless fleshy saprophytic plants; in some classifications placed in the family Pyrolaceae
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