nouna highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars
type of:
Definition that contains smallpox
- cowpox a viral disease of cattle causing a mild skin disease affecting the udder; formerly used to inoculate humans against smallpox
- pockmarked marked by or as if by smallpox or acne or other eruptive skin disease
- jenner English physician who pioneered vaccination; Jenner inoculated people with small amounts of cowpox to prevent them from getting smallpox (1749-1823)
- pockmark a scar or pit on the skin that is left by a pustule of smallpox or acne or other eruptive disease
- variola minor a mild form of smallpox caused by a less virulent form of the virus
- milk pox a mild form of smallpox caused by a less virulent form of the virus
- pseudosmallpox a mild form of smallpox caused by a less virulent form of the virus
- vaccinia a local infection induced in humans by inoculation with the virus causing cowpox in order to confer resistance to smallpox; normally lasts three weeks and leaves a pitted scar
- west indian smallpox a mild form of smallpox caused by a less virulent form of the virus
- variola major a type of smallpox virus that has a fatality rate of up to 25 percent