nouna burrowing toad of the northern hemisphere with a horny spade-like projection on each hind foot
type of:
Definition that contains spadefoot
- scaphiopus multiplicatus this spadefoot toad lives in the southwestern United States
- family pelobatidae the amphibian family of spadefoot toads
- scaphiopus New World spadefoot toads
- southern spadefoot this spadefoot toad lives in the southwestern United States
- genus scaphiopus New World spadefoot toads
- scaphiopus bombifrons this spadefoot toad lives in plains and hills and river bottoms in areas of low rainfall east of the Rocky Mountains
- western spadefoot this spadefoot toad live in California
- pelobatidae the amphibian family of spadefoot toads
- scaphiopus hammondii this spadefoot toad live in California
- plains spadefoot this spadefoot toad lives in plains and hills and river bottoms in areas of low rainfall east of the Rocky Mountains