nouna device that when pressed will release part of a mechanism
type of: -
nounan electrical switch operated by pressing
type of:part of: -
nouna female sexual organ homologous to the penistype of:part of:
nounany artifact that resembles a button
nounany of various plant parts that resemble buttonstype of:
nouna round fastener sewn to shirts and coats etc to fit through buttonholes
nouna round flat badge displaying information and suitable for pinning onto a garmenttype of:
verbfasten with buttonsOpposite:
verbprovide with buttonstype of:
Words sounding like good button
button mutton glutton unbutton bellybutton belly button combination button jig button turn button mescal button shoe button bell button collar button campaign button farcy button bachelor button dog button shell button sleeve button lapel button cockle button oak button cuff button hunt button basket button spanish button